Ashton Rehabilitation Clinic






Dr. Ashton

Dr. Rubio

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Edward Brian Ashton, D.C., P.T., L.A.c.
962 Wayne Ave., Ste. L-A
Silver Spring, MD 20910

MILITARY United States Naval Officer
August 1986 to May 1989


September 1999-Present Maryland Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Master's level Program

September 1990 -1993 Logan College of Chiropractic
Doctor of Chiropractic
Chesterfield, Missouri

June 1984 - May 1986 University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
B.S. Major - Physical Therapy
Certificate of Physical Therapy

September 1976 - 1979 American University, Washington DC
B.S. Major - Biological Science
Minor - Chemistry, Psychology

September 1975 - May 1976 Guilford College
Greensboro, North Carolina


September 2001 – April 2002 Advanced Chiropractic Neurology Center- Dr. Adam Klotzek
Chiropractic Neurology Diplomate
Modules I - VI

March 2001 Palmer College of Chiropractic- Dr. Keith Scott
AIDS & Risk Management
Baltimore, MD

October 2000 Maryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners
Philosophy for the Chiropractic Profession:
Clinical Radiology
Ocean City, MD

July 1999 American Hypnosis Training Academy – Ron Klein
Master Practitioner NLP
Silver Spring, MD

May 1997 – April 1998 New York Chiropractic College
Electroneuromyography and Nerve Conduction Velocity
Long Island, New York

June 1997 – September 1997 Logan College of Chiropractic
Chiropractic Consultant, Utilization Review, Peer Review Program
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

February 1997 - March 1997 Blankenship Certification System Seminar
Functional Capacity Evaluation
Macon, Georgia

January 1997 - March 1997 Parker College Impairment Rating Seminar – Dr. Stanley Kaplin
Impairment and Disability Rating Seminar
Richmond, Virginia

December 1996 Blankenship System Seminar
Functional Capacity Evaluation
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

August 1995 Cleveland Chiropractic College Seminar
“Chiropractic Rehabilitation: Acute and Chronic Conditions”
Baltimore, MD

August 1995 Los Angeles College of Chiropractic
Chiropractic Rehabilitation
Cherry Hill, New Jersey

April 1990 Activator Methods Seminar
Chesterfield, MO

March 1990 Motion Palpation Institute Seminar
Chesterfield, MO

February 1990 Innes Cervical Spine Seminar
Motion Palpation Institute
Chesterfield, MO

January 1990 Innes Full Spine Seminar
Motion Palpation Institute
Chesterfield, Missouri

September 1986 - 1989 Electroneuromyography, Clinical Training Program

October 1988 Clinical Electroneuromyography, Intermediate Upper Extremity
Morgantown, West Virginia

Medical Exercise Therapy
Denver, Colorado

February 1988 Basic Manual Therapy of the Spine S-1
New Orleans, Louisiana

January 1988 Fleet Hospital Training, Camp Pendleton
San Diego, California

December 1987 Temporomandibular Joint Seminar
Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia

September 1987 Chattanooga Corporation Clinical Practicum I
Auto-traction Seminar
Alexandria, Virginia

August 1987 Leadership and Management
Education and Training for Division Officers

March 1987 Evaluation and Treatment of Spinal Disorders
Hampton, Virginia

Clinical Electroneuromyography Beginners Course
Morgantown, West Virginia

August 1986 The American Back School
Bethesda, Maryland


Instructor, Postgraduate Diplomate Neurology Program, Clinical Electroneuromyography
Logan College April 2003

Instructor, Postgraduate “Physiotherapeutics” – Sponsored by Logan college of Chiropractic, Philadelphia, PA 1997

Instructor, Chiropractic Assistants Program

Maryland Chiropractic Association 1995

Instructor, Postgraduate Diplomate Neurology Program, “ Clinical Electroneuromyography”, Logan College of Chiropractic, St. Louis, Missouri

Lecturer, Illinois Chiropractic Society Annual Fall Convention, Airport Marriott, St. Louis, Missouri

Clinical Instructor, Electroneuromyography Beginners Course, West Virginia University - Sponsored by the American Physical Therapy Association

Staff Physical Therapist at Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Clinical Instructor with students from Old Dominion University and Quinipiac College


Maryland Board of Chiropractic Examiners – President
American Physical Therapy Association
Section on Orthopaedics
Section on Electrophysiology
Member of National Strength and Conditioning Association
American Chiropractic Association
Maryland Chiropractic Association


Health Quest Magazine, September/October 1997, “Doctor in the House”, e. brian ashton, D.C.

Journal of Neuromusculoskeletal System, Summer 1995, “ Bilateral Numbness of the Upper Extremities”, e. brian ashton, D.C., P.T.

Journal of Neuromusculoskeletal System, Winter 1994, “Grand Rounds: Patient with Left-sided Sciatica”, Anthony Delitto, Ph. D., P.T., Richard Erhardt, D.C., P.T., e. brian ashton, D.C., P.T.


Earned 5 th degree Black Belt and title of “Master” in Chun Mu Kwan Tae Kwon Do


Maryland Chiropractic License - #01669
Virginia Chiropractic License - #1040012812
Maryland Physical Therapy License - #16233
District of Columbia Physical Therapy License - #2090
Missouri Physical Therapy License - #00228042


September 1995 – Present Ashton Rehabilitation Clinic
Chief Executive Officer

July 1995 - August 1995 Washington Work
Consultant/Musculoskeletal Evaluations

February 1994 - May 1995 Neurodiagnostic Associates
Orthopedic Physical Therapist

November 1991 - February 1992 St. Luke's Hospital Sports Medicine Center

February 1991 - August 1991 Metro Orthopedics Sport Therapy
Senior Physical Therapist

January 1991 - February 1991 Medical Support Service, Inc.
Physical Therapist

May 1988 - December 1990 Home Care Resources, Home Health Physical Therapist
Portsmouth, Virginia
Portsmouth Orthopedic Associates
Staff Physical Therapist
Portsmouth, Virginia

August 1986 - May 1989 Staff Physical Therapist, Electroneuromyographer,
Infection Control Officer, Safety Officer,
Officer-in-Charge of Staff Education Training,

Equal Opportunity Officer

Naval Hospital Portsmouth, Virginia


